Determine if the year for which you are setting up the Calendar is common or leap year (whether or not February 29th exists)
Step 2
Unscrew the bolts and separate the back panel from the front panel.
Step 3
Turn to the front panel those dates that correspond to the year for which you are setting up the Calendar (page for common or page for leap years).
Step 4
Determine which day in the week any date falls. It's easiest to do this before New Year's Eve for January 1st.
Step 5
Bring that date (January 1) into the window for that month (January) into the field below the day of the week in which it falls, making sure that, when positioning the date below the day, holes from the front panel are to be matched with one hole in the corresponding hole group on the back panel. Putting only one date in place will put all other dates in the right position that belongs to them.
Step 6
Hold the panels in this position, put the screws back in place, and screw them on. You don't have to tighten too much.
Step 7
This completes the setup. The next setup will only be needed for the next New Year !!!